Review: 143 by Katy Perry


Not the worst album I have ever heard, but still pretty damn bad

Katy Perry was once regarded as one of the greatest hitmakers of the music industry. Churning out hits after hits for years, she was as influential as she was talented. Years down the line, she seems to have lost sense of what made her stand out in the first place.

Not one song on her new album, 143 (monicker for I LOVE YOU), has any redeeming qualities. Surprisingly, Dr. Luke’s production seems bland, almost as if he used stock loops downloaded from a dodgy website. The track listing is equally terrible, front loading the album with three collaborations is a dire attempt to intrigue the listener and keep them hooked long enough to get one extra stream. The only time you even get the slightest glimpse of the old Katy Perry is on Lifetimes, but the novelty and nostalgia fades 30 seconds into the track.

It is interesting to see Katy Perry’s career arc, but I am not worried for her. She will always have her massive hits, she will have even more chances to judge tv shows, and hopefully have no issues selling out stadiums, unfortunately, it won’t be because of her latest record.


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